Saturday, June 16, 2007

1 week away - maybe?

we are scheduled to leave for the states next week saturday. when i say scheduled, i mean that is the day that we requested from our school to get our tickets for. but it's now one week away and we still have no tickets. what a dilemma! so maybe we'll be home in a week, maybe not.

we've had a lot of things going on here the past week. josiah and sarah (the little one) both had birthdays, and they had super awesome birthday parties! josiah's party was a super hero theme, i was super fro man and rach was "the ruler" (her super power was measuring things). sarah's birthday party was a color theme (purple, pink, and yellow). i own nothing in that color. but luckily samantha is taking this purple medicine for an infection she has. this medicine stains everything it touches, so i decided to use it to tie dye a shirt (pretty fancy). i hope you are impressed.

so hopefully the wu's will be home in a week, if not, we'll see you cats when we see you!


Heather said...

happy birthday josiah & sarah!

hoping for safe travels!

Heather said...

yo wu! we're having samantha withdrawl! how 'bout a few pics, aye?? :D